At Paul Adler Optometrists, we ensure you enjoy the best possible level of vision and visual comfort while also looking out for early signs of eye-related health problems.
We will explain the findings of your eye examination and discuss any concerns you have about your eye health or family history. Where required we will also take the time to advise on treatment options and liaise with other health care providers if this is required.
Regular eye examinations are important for people of all ages and might identify any eye problems such as glaucoma, cataracts, macular degeneration, squints, or amblyopia ("lazy eye").
Your optician (optometrist) might also detect general health issues such as high blood pressure and diabetes.
Changes in vision often occur in middle age, and medical issues can often have an impact on your sight.
Eye examinations are available privately and under the NHS. For more information about eligibility for NHS sight tests, see our FAQ.

A fundus camera can take photographs of the back of the eye, which enables your optometrist to examine the optic nerve and the macula in greater detail. This can help us to detect and monitor diseases such as macular degeneration, glaucoma, retinal tears or detachments, and central retinal vein or artery occlusion. Other health problems such as diabetes and high blood pressure can be detected.
Our optical coherence tomographer (OCT) uses safe lasers to take cross-section pictures of the inside of the eye so that our opticians can see each of the layers under the surface of your retina. This allows your optometrist to ensure that there are no early signs of developing eye conditions that might affect your vision. The OCT also allows sophisticated monitoring of known retinal conditions and is far more detailed than a retinal photograph. It is useful for early detection and monitoring of glaucoma and diseases of the retina including age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and diabetic eye disease.

NHS funded sight tests are available for certain groups of people once every two years. Click here for more details on which groups qualify for NHS funding. However, in some circumstances, more frequent NHS sight tests are allowed at request of their optometrist or doctor. For example, you may be eligible for more frequent eye tests if you:

Can you check for colour-blindness in children?Yes. Even those children who do not know their numbers can be checked using a special children's version of the colour vision test.
Do you treat eye muscle problems and lazy eyes?Yes. We have optometrists with a special interest in this area and dedicated vision therapists. See our page on vision therapy.
Do you supply coloured overlays and filters?We provide coloured overlays and Precision Tinted spectacle Lenses for all ages. For more info click here.
Do you see children with learning difficulties?Of course. We are fully committed to offering a full service to all our patients, whatever their needs. If your child has complex needs, it can be helpful to let us know in advance so we can make sure that we know how best to meet them.
What if my child can't read?No problem. We have special pictures and matching tests. We will make the eye examination seem like a game and as fun as we can.
What if my child is non-verbal?No need to worry - we can still examine a non-verbal child using special tests and images.
What if my child doesn't cooperate?Some children are anxious at first, particularly if they've never had their eyes tested before - we're used to it! We'll always do as much as we can on the first visit, but we'd always rather ask patients to come back again to finish off rather than rush their eye test.
Will my wheelchair fit?Yes. The front door and all the doors downstairs will accommodate wheelchairs, walking frames, Tri-rollers and Rollators.